New YA Novel Features a Ghost and Cheerleaders
Kimberly Dana's latest book will bring hours of reading pleasure to teen girls, especially those with a particular interest in cheerleading.
Years ago, a murder was committed in a cheerleading camp: a beautiful teenager with beautiful red flowing hair was drowned in the lake. Rumors say the killer was her best friend.

Soon, Tiki finds out about the ten-year old murder and the rumors that the dead girl's ghost still roams the camp. Tiki can handle rumors of ghosts. After all, she's an intelligent girl with common sense. However, things take a turn for the worse when strange events begin to take place in the camp. Is it one of the girls playing a trick on her — or is it the ghost of the murdered girl?
This was a delightful read! Dana really has a talent for getting inside the head of teen girls. The voice is young and fresh and the pace moves quickly with lots of fun, quirky dialogue. So this is a soft horror story with a humorous twist. The story was intriguing enough to keep me reading throughout, and the ending was good, promising more to come in Book Two. The only thing I found a little annoying was how the author wrote the dialogue by some of the girls in capitals. At times it was too much, and I found it distracting. Because of this detail, I'm going to give this book 4.5 instead of 5. Recommended!
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