Review of Tiny Angel, by Nancy Carty Lepri

Tiny Angel is a well-written, delightful story that will entertain middle-grade girls. Macy, with all her doubts and insecurities, is a character young girls 8 and up will identify with. The story has a good message--there comes a time when we have to be bold and act in order to achieve our dreams--but it is not preachy; it's simply a good story about school, friends, being oneself, and achieving one's full potential. Highly recommended.
Tiny Angel
Author: Nancy Carty Lepri
Print ISBN 13: 978-1-935137-94-8 ; 1-935137-94-8
eBook ISBN 13: 978-1-935137-95-5 ; 1-935137-95-6
When her dad is transferred to a new town, ten-year-old Macy Carver leaves behind her best friend and everything she knows. Suddenly she’s the new girl…alone and bullied. An unexpected flash announces guardian angel Jody, who teaches her how to fit in and become a forever friend.
Chapter 1
“Hey, chubbo quit hogging the sidewalk!” Kenny Thompson yanked the front of his bike off the ground, circled around eight-year-old Macy Carver, and stuck out his tongue.
“Don’t!” She yelled.
Kenny cut the bike’s front wheel, covering her with dirty water. Laughing, he sped toward school.
“Creepazoid!” Macy brushed mud from her jeans, which made a worse mess. Mud had splattered her favorite top. Tears filled her eyes. Stupid North Carolina! Why did her dad have to move here? She hated being the new kid in class.
Thanks to Kenny, the kids either ignored her or were mean. To make things worse, she had to sit next to him.
Sighing, she trudged on, hoping that Kenny would have sprouted huge warts on his nose at school.
The first bell rang. Macy walked to her desk and tripped over Kenny’s outstretched foot.
“Hey four-eyes.” He laughed at her. “Are you a klutzo, too? Aw, poor Macy—dirty and klutzy.”
Macy grabbed the side of her desk to keep from falling. She glared at Kenny, ready to stick out her tongue, but decided he didn’t need anything else to tease her about.
Biting her lip, she sat at her desk. She wanted to go home—fat lot of good that would do her. She knew she wouldn’t feel better there. (continued)
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