Writing Tips from Children’s Author Renee Hand

Welcome to day four of Renee Hand’s 6-day NWFCC April Author Showcase tour and join Ms. Hand as she discusses knowing your audience.
When writing for children, one must always keep in mind their audience. Developing ideas for appropriate topics to write about and keeping them at a certain age level, can be challenging. I view writing for children as something that is fun and educational. I put a lot of effort in making my books unique and different. As a writer we must find a niche and fill it. Writing for children is making sure you get your message across. The children’s market is flooded with books. As a writer we have to create storylines that stand out from the crowd and get noticed, not blend in with the rest and be forgettable.
Follow Day 5 of Ms. Hand's tour tomorrow at http://beverlystowemcclure.blogspot.com.