Latest news!

Hi all,
I'm thrilled to announce that my children's picture book, Frederico, the Mouse Violinist, is an Award-Winning Finalist in the "Children's Picture Book: Hardcover Fiction" category of the 2011 International Book Awards! Yeepie!!!
Also, I'll be going on a virtual blog tour with Pump Up Your Book this June to promote it.
The link to the VBT page is:

Here is a list of the blogs I'll be visiting:
Monday, June 6
Interviewed at Blogcritics
Tuesday, June 7
Book reviewed at 4 the Love of Books
Wednesday, June 8
Book reviewed at Healing Hearts
Thursday, June 9
Book reviewed at Ellis Reviews & Life
Friday, June 10
Book reviewed at Write for a Reader
Monday, June 13
Book reviewed at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
Tuesday, June 14
Book reviewed at Library of Clean Reads
Wednesday, June 15
Guest blogging at Literal Exposure
Thursday, June 16
Book reviewed at Virginia Beach Publishing Examiner
Friday, June 17
Guest blogging at The Book Faery Reviews
Book reviewed at Booksnatchers