Homeschooling Resources from Homeschool Specialist Amy O’Quinn

In our homeschool, we use many different types of resources and media. I do utilize textbooks (Saxon) for math and my older son’s science program (Apologia). But for the most part, we incorporate literature and trade books whenever possible.
There are many different companies and curriculums that focus on using literature as a learning base. In the past, I have used Sonlight, Winter Promise, Beautiful Feet, and most recently a website called Guest Hollow which features free lesson plans for ancient history, American History 1 & 2, the Human Body Science Study, etc.
Here are some examples of how we incorporate literature in our homeschool. My youngest daughter is currently studying the 1930’s and the Great Depression in history. In addition to using Joy Hakim’s History of US series Volume 9 as a ‘spine’ book, she is also reading the novel Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse and the non-fiction book, Dust To Eat: Drought and Depression in the 1930’s, by Michael L. Cooper. When she was learning about the Roaring 20’s, she read biographies of Babe Ruth, Amelia Earhart, Charles Lindbergh, a novel entitled Moonshiner’s Son by Carolyn Reeder, and a picture book called Angel Coming by Heather Hensen.
I also have several reference books on my shelf that match up time periods or locations in history with novels and trade books. Several of these titles include:
Books Children Love: A Guide to the Best Children’s Literature by Elizabeth Wilson
All Through the Ages: History Through Literature Guide by Christine Miller
Honey For A Child’s Heart: The Imaginative Use of Books in Family Life by Gladys Hunt
Let The Authors Speak by Carolyn Hatcher
Turning Back the Pages of Time by Kathy Keller
As far as a great one-stop resource for ALL homeschooling products, books, and resources, I highly recommend Rainbow Resource Center. They produce a huge catalog, and it contains almost everything and anything pertinent to homeschooling. Cathy Duffy’s website at is another great place to visit. As I’ve said before, the number of choices, products, and resources available to homeschoolers is amazing!
Follow Day 5 of Ms. O'Quinn's tour tomorrow at Leave a comment and your name will automatically be entered to win a Three Angels Gourmet Co mug and a package of Divine Dill Dip Mix - at the end of the month, provided by the National Writing for Children Center.
Have a great day.
It's great having you here! Thanks for the wonderful guest post!
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