Literacy Tips from Literacy Specialist Author Carol Boles

Responding to Literature - With Your Children
Fluent readers, or rather good readers, are those children who make logical predictions about what is going to happen next in the stories they are reading. The strategy of reading, then re-affirming predictions made during reading, not only helps children maintain an interest in what they’re reading, it also improve their comprehension. The following reading activity is used with chapter books, and even picture books. Parents play the role of the teacher, guiding and talking to their children about the literature their reading.
Begin- Have your child preview the story they’re going to read. This involves analyzing the cover, flipping through the pages, looking at the pictures, the chapter titles, and any other written or pictorial clues provided.
Provide- A copy of the “Responding to Literature” form (below). Know that reading and writing are intertwined in learning to read. This guided reading strategy can be used with elementary, middle school and secondary books, and can be adapted for use with picture book stories. This activity can take a day, several days or a week, depending on the book chosen. Parents just need to pick-up where the reading has stopped, then begin working with their child the next day.
Parents will find, when their children respond in writing to what they’re reading about, they become better readers—as well as good writers. If parents use this learning activity often, they’ll find their children concurrently learn the elements of literature, as well.
Responding to Literature
1. After looking at the book cover, the pictures, chapter titles throughout the book, I predict this story or book will be about:
2. After reading the first couple of pages, or the first chapter of the book, I now know my prediction was: (circle one) Correct Not Correct
Explain Why:
3. The main character(s) in this story are:
4. The setting for my story is: (where the story takes place)
5. After reading chapter two I now have a new prediction about what’s going to happen next in this story:
6. After reading several more chapters I now know that my prediction was: (circle one) Correct Not Correct
Explain Why:
7. The Problem the main character(s) is having in this story is:
8. I have read half this book. I now have a new prediction:
9. After reading several more chapters I now know that my prediction was: (circle one) Correct Not Correct
Explain Why
10. Right now what I like best about this story is:
11. I have read most of the chapters in my book and I am almost to the last chapter. I predict the story I am reading will end this way:
12. Was your prediction correct or incorrect about the ending of this story? Explain:
13. If I were going to tell a friend about this story, I would tell them this:
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