Guest Post by Dixie Phillips

I’ve always enjoyed working with children. So it should have come as no surprise when I began writing, most of my success would come from writing for little ones. I have discovered when I write for children, I feel I am finally in my write mind.

Children are transparent and you immediately know if they like your story. Their little eyes snap and tiny bodies wiggle with excitement when they try to figure out what will happen next. I’ll never forget last year when I was invited to a Christian school in Rochester, Minnesota, to read my book Stubby’s Destiny to their morning and afternoon kindergarten class. The children had never heard this story before, but right from the first page their little feet began to dance when I read about the horses’ hooves prancing down the cobblestone street. As I continued reading, they began to cheer for little Stubby, a defeated donkey who felt he had been born wrong. When Stubby discovers his divine destiny, they began to clap their tiny hands for joy.

I think great literature can help shape small souls. I plan to continue writing stories, which hopefully leave footprints in the hearts of wee ones. I believe the seeds of influence from my books will live longer than I do and produce a harvest of wisdom and help ignite a vibrant faith in the heart of a child, which will change a generation and time my eyes will never see. With all the advanced technology, it’s a great time to be a children’s author.

Dixie Phillips began writing seasonal plays for children in 1987. These delightful programs have been published by Abingdon Press, Standard Publishing, Eldridge Publishing, Evangelizing Today's Child and Gospel Publishing House. One of Dixie's children's books, Stubby's Destiny, was awarded the 2008 Best Children's Animal Story by Books and Authors. Guardian Angel Publishing has released Angel Eyes, One Noble Journey and Baby Jesus is Missing. Cinderfella and the Furry Godmother and Stilts the Stork will be released in 2010.

Dixie also has a passion for writing God's truths for adults. She has contributed to an award-winning devotional book and has ghostwritten books on marriage, health, poetry and personal testimonies. She is currently a topical curriculum writer for Randall House. Dixie is a pastor's wife of more than 30 years. She and her husband, Paul, have four grown children and have served the Gospel Lighthouse Church in Floyd, Iowa, for 28 years.

You can learn more about Dixie’s books and the Phillips’ ministry by visiting
