Review of Color Me Happy! by Sally M. Harris

Little Sadie is sad because her best friend has moved away. Then, one day, she sees from the window a colorful pink poodle prancing by. The doggy's bright and cheerful color give Sadie an idea: she will make herself happy... with color!
So she gets her paints and paper and creates lots of beautiful pictures: pretty spring flowers, a friendly frog sitting on a swing, a field of purple heather, ice cream cones and fruit... and you know what? All the colors DO change her gloomy mood!
Color Me Happy! is a delightful children's picture book with little text and brightly colored illustrations. Each page has a two line verse to go with the artwork. The story is simple, cute and cheerful, appealing to young minds. There's something very basic yet very charming about the illustrations. Children will love the splash of color on the pages.
Visit Guardian Angel Publishing for complete information about this book.
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It is a very cute book indeed!