Celebrate Children's Day/Book Day
Children's Day/Book Day
1651 Lexington Ave (@ 104th St.)
El Barrio, NY 10029
"'Dia del Niño/Dia de Libro' emphasizes the importance of advocating literacy for children of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Its goals are to honor children, languages and cultures; to encourage reading and literacy; and to promote library collections and programs that reflect our plurality. This local party promotes reading and bilingualism to children of all backgrounds."
Children's authors Lissette Norman and Annette Perez will be reading and signing books. There will be face painting and craft for kids. Don't miss your chance to have your kids meet these authors. Children love to meet real-life authors and asks for autographs.
About Lissette Norman: Lissette Norman is an award-winning poet with many published credits to her name. She lives in New York City. My Feet Are Laughing is her first children's book.
Book's blurb: Sadie likes living in her grandmother’s brownstone, where she has her own bedroom and a backyard to play in. She’s full of thoughts and has lots to say about her family and friends, her home, her hair, and her laughing feet that can’t keep still. And when she grows up she plans on being a poet.
This collection of sixteen exuberant poems in the voice of a young Dominican American girl and energetic, bright paintings celebrates Sadie’s family and the city around her.
About Annette Perez: Annette Perez was born in New York City to a family of Puerto Rican origin. Annette was diagnosed with hydrocephalus as an infant. Growing up with this disability was not easy. Her childhood was filled with constant challenges, including learning how to tie her shoelaces one-handed. However, she considers herself among the lucky ones since she can function and live a normal life. Annette graduated from Borough of Manhattan Community College (City University of New York) with an Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education, and obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Spanish from York College. She is currently pursuing her Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education and Special Education (obviously, her brain did not float away!) She lives in Queens, New York. This is her first book, lovingly dedicated to her parents.
Book's blurb: Annie, an eight-year-old girl, gathers the courage to ask her mother, "Why is one of my hands smaller than the other? Why do I fall so much?" What follows is a story of fears, will, self discovery, and finally, triumph. Annette Perez narrates her true story of growing up with hydrocephalus with humor, honesty, and compassion, and proves with this story that even the simplest act can change one's life forever.