The Story behind 'GoldStar Magic! Family Pen-Pal Kit' by Terry Nicholetti
I moved from Ithaca, NY to Washington DC in 1998, I was missing my three
granddaughters, ages 10, 8, and 6, and wanted to stay close to them. At the
same time, I was going through a rebellious phase, resisting doing daily things
we all need to do, cleaning, sorting mail, paying bills, etc. My therapist encouraged me to make friends
with the “little girl” within me who was so angry about “shoulds” and find a
way to work together. She also
encouraged me to look for the “why;” why should I care about this task that I
don’t want to do.
day I told her that I had paid all my bills on time that month, and she said,
“Good for you! Give yourself a gold star!” What an idea! So I started a little
notebook, listed my accomplishments, and gave myself a gold star each time. I
wanted to share this idea with my granddaughters, so I designed a two-way
postal card out of oak tag. On the top part it said, “Here’s something I did
that I’m proud of.” On the bottom half, to be returned to the sender, it said
“Here’s what I think of your story.” I made up a supply of these cards, and for
a while, we exchanged these messages with great joy.
I shared these cards with my friends, they said, “This is a great idea; you
should turn it into a product!” I didn’t want to just write up a boring “how
to” pamphlet to go with them, so I got the idea to write a children’s story
about a little girl named NoraLee Johnson who hates doing chores and misses her
grandparents who have moved away. She is visited by Loofi Mondel from planet
Ifwee, where the motto is “If we care, it’s magic!” They travel in a space ship
to Ifwee, where NoraLee meets several residents who only do things they care
about. Then they give themselves gold stars, and share their accomplishments
with people they love. That’s GoldStar Magic!

GoldStar Magic! Family Pen-Pal Kit, ™
including NoraLee's Adventures on Planet Ifwee Genre: children
Terry Nicholetti
Terry Nicholetti
The Gold Star
Magic! Family Pen-Pal Kit™
children and their grandparents closer together – one story at a time!
Are you looking for ways to help your young children (ages 4-10) stay in touch
with their grandparents?
Are your Skyping, texting, emailing, to stay in touch with your grandchildren?
Do you remember how exciting it was to get something in the mail addressed to
The Gold Star
Magic! Family Pen-Pal Kit™
offers a really unique way to use first class mail to help children get
closer to their grandparents – as well as build their self-esteem – one story
at a time! The kit is built around NoraLee’s
Adventures on Planet Ifwee, a delightfully illustrated, 32 page book about
a little girl who hates doing her chores, and misses her grandparents. When she
visits Planet Ifwee, she learns how to use GoldStar Magic! to solve both these
challenges. NoraLee meets residents like Robinia Clarinda Gazaundry, who helps
her dad with the family laundry. From her new friends, NoraLee learns to do something because she
cares, give herself gold stars because she feels so proud, and use magic
Two-way postal cards to tell her grandparents so they can be proud too.
kit also includes:
6 Two-Way Postal Cards™ and sealers for
children & grandparents to tell their stories.
Lots of Gold Stars.
A link to download The Ifwee Song!“ by
Terry and Jan Nigro of Vitamin L Children’s Chorus.
Thanks for stopping by and for your comments, ladies!