Guest post by Klutzy Kantor
My dear internet buddy Jessica Kennedy, author of Klutzy Kantor, is busy touring the blogosphere to promote the release of this her first children's picture book (major congrats, Jessica!), so I suggested she take a break and have the cute protagonist of her book, Klutzy Kantor, write a guest post instead. I asked him what makes his book special and what kids will love about it the most. This is what he had to say....
"Well, I hate to brag. Actually it’s hard not to. My book is special, because J. Aday Kennedy made me very smart and gave me a great personality. I’m a bit of a klutz, but that makes the book funny and kids that aren’t very coordinated will relate to it. Jack Foster drew me and made me purple. He makes my personality and klutziness shine.
Aday did some other neat stuff for me. If you visit her website you can get quite a few goodies. A teacher’s guide, coloring pages, information about two more books about me and my elf friends, and pdf’s of my favorite apple recipes. She co wrote my theme song, “Go Me!” with LeFerna Walch of The Character Studio DOT com. LeFerna choreographed a dance that the song teaches. If that wasn’t enough, I have my very own blog at
I’m in Michigan with LeFerna working on a surprise that Aday and my fans will love. This book has a lot of extras that kids and grown ups will love and with each new book in the series more has been planned. Temporary tattoos, stickers, book marks and contests are just three of them."
Sounds good to me, Kantor!
For teaching resources and coloring pages, visit Klutzy Kantor's BLOG.
Don't miss the author's other virtual tour stops! For the full schedule, visit the author's website.
About the book:
Everyday Kantor Pegasus practices solving riddles. A tricky leprechaun attempts to outsmart him by giving him a next to impossible riddle to solve. To end his clumsy ways he must solve it. Children learn the benefit of practice and to focus on their strengths.
Written by J. Aday Kennedy
Illustrated by Jack Foster
Reading level: Ages 4-10
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc (April 14, 2010)
ISBN-13: 978-1616330514
For Purchase: Amazon
About the author:

J. Aday Kennedy, the differently-abled writer, is an award winning multi
published author of inspirational/Christian pieces and of children’s literature.
Eight picture books are under contract eagerly awaiting publication. She is a
ventilator dependent quadriplegic making her dreams come true a story at a
time. As a speaker, Aday entertains, instructs, motivates and inspires
audiences of all ages. To learn more about her and her writing, visit her blog
to read one of the interviews, witness the book promotion brainstorms for
authors, marketing and writing tips.
Congratulations on getting the book published and best wishes for the future.
Books + Manuscript Critiques
We're up to 29 entries. No one is taking advantage of social network posting.
J. Aday Kennedy
The Differently-Abled Writer
Children's picture Book Klutzy Kantor
Coming Soon Marta Gargantuan Wings
What a nice interview - and the book trailer is really cute!
Best of luck with this book!
J. Aday Kennedy
The Differently-Abled Writer
Children's picture Book Klutzy Kantor
Coming Soon Marta Gargantuan Wings
And the Winners Are.....................
1. Cheryl C. Malandrinos
2. Margot Finke
3. Kathy Stemke
4. Suzanne Drazic
Drop me an email at with your top 4 choices of prizes.