My books travel far!

Hi all,
I recently received an email from a writer friend telling me that the children's books (my books, The Magic Violin and Crash) I had sent her a couple of years ago are now being enjoyed by children in Angkor Wat, Cambodia! Imagine my surprise! I was so happy and touched to know that my books had traveled so far.
Since my friend's nieces and nephews grew older, she decided to donate the books to a floating school of Vietnamese children in Tonle Sap (Great Lake) during her trip to that part of the world last year.

It was emotionally for me to actually see the pictures of the teachers holding my books... which you can see now for yourselves. The young kids learn in Vietnamese but they also learn English a few hours a week, like the Cambodian children in general.
Pretty neat, huh?
As I mentioned before, I'm participating in a blog chain originating at the National Writing for Children Center, so be sure to visit the next blogger in the chain, Karen Cioffi.
Karen Cioffi