Meet Shari Lyle-Soffe, author of Nothing Stops Noah

Shari Lyle-Soffe lives in a little house in the woods of Oregon. She has always loved animals. Her yard is home to deer, squirrels, rabbits, birds, skunks, opposum, and raccoons. She loves those rascally raccoons so much she decided to write about them. Her books, Misadventures of Rooter and Snuffle, On the Go With Rooter and Snuffle, and Trouble Finds Rooter and Snuffle are about brother raccoons living in Cathedral Woods with their many animal friends. Nothing Stops Noah is a picture book with new characters and is available now. Watch for "A Horse of Course" coming Spring 2009.
Hi, Shari! Why don't you begin by telling our readers 5 unusual things about yourself?
#1. I’m not as tall as I once was.
#2. I have been married to the same man for almost 50 years. (help)
#3. I talk to animals….all kinds of animals. (They are good listeners.)
#4. I’ve been a model, office clerk, sales clerk, door to door salesperson, professional crafter and writer.
#5. I have a driving phobia.
Why do you write?
I write because I enjoy it!
If you weren't an author, what would you be?
If I wasn’t an author I would be enjoying my garden and my grandchildren.

What inspires you?
Everything in life inspires my writing.
What do you when your Muse misbehaves?
When my muse refuses to help me I pout.
What would you say to people who think picture books are easy to write?
For anyone who thinks picture books are easy to write I say “Try it!” and call me when you get it published.
Leaves us with some words of wisdom:
Never, ever stop being a child.
Thanks, Shari!
Read my review of Nothing Stops Noah!
Shari will be giving away a copy of her book at the end of the tour. To be eligible, leave a comment on HER blog at
Also, don't forget to leave a comment here as well! I'll be giving away a signed print copy of my picture book, Crash, on June 15th.
See the full tour schedule HERE.
Watch the trailer of Nothing Stops Noah!
The Old Silly from Free Spirit Blog
And what's odd about talking with animals? It's only odd if they answer!
L. Diane Wolfe
Congrats on the almost 50 years of marriage.
Joy Delgado
Illustrator and publisher of bilingual children’s books
I was 5'7 1/2" and am now 5'5 1/2".
They aren't supposed to talk back? Uh-oh.
Thanks for the kind words. It won't be 50 years until Thanksgiving Day. Seriously!
Thanks for your comments!
Shari, I think your short and witty answers were fun. It's like a eating a small, tasty piece of chocolate.
Is that supposed to make up for the "older" comment? LOL.
Shari is a late bloomer, like me, and I am so proud and happy for her success and blossoming talent. Way to GO mate.
Books that HOOK Reluctant Readers
Thanks for the congratulations.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who converses with critters.
Thanks, Mate!
Great interview and trailer.
Thanks. It's good to know others love animals as I do. Glad you enjoyed the interview and trailer.
My cats and I talk all the time Shari, so I think you're safe. Now if I could just convince one of them not to barf all over the place, I would be in heaven.
Best of luck with the tour.
Thanks for visiting. It is comforting to know others talk to animals too. About the barfing...sorry I can't help.
Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Children’s Author
Write What Inspires You Blog
Donna M. McDine’s Website