Book Review: A Talent for Quiet, by Kim Chatel

A Talent for Quiet
Written and illustrated by Kim Chatel
Guardian Angel Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-935137-56-6
Copyright 2009
Children’s Picture Book
Paperback, 32 pages, $10.95
Purchase from the publisher.
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Reanie has lived alone with her mother for a long time. Now she has a step father, Bill, and all has changed. His shoulders take the whole kitchen, and his voice and laughter, though kind, are so loud… she can’t help being afraid.
Though he tries to befriend her, her shyness always make her withdraw. Until one day Bill invites her to go to the river on a photo safari. A photographer, he is deft and skillful with the camera. He encourages her to take pictures and even gives her a camera. Excited, Reanie discovers a whole new world as her new father teaches her about photography and the talent for quiet—a quality all good photographers must have.
Together, they take pictures of a goose, a spider, a turtle, a crawfish, a muskrat, a monarch butterfly, and finally what they were waiting for: a lovely blue heron. Reanie not only learns the ins and outs of a camera, but also the kind nature of her step father, making this a story of discovery on two levels.
This is a warm, simple story with a quiet tone that matches its title. The photographs are beautiful and will stimulate young minds. At the end of the book there’s a glossary, interesting facts about photography, and tips on how to take great pictures. This would make a wonderful educational gift for those children who love photography and taking pictures, as well as to those who have a new step parent. Highly recommended.
Kim Chatel
great descriptiom! It sounds lovely!