The Time-for-Bed Angel, by Ronica Stromberg

The Time-for-Bed Angel
written by Ronica Stromberg
illustrated by Kristina Stephenson
Lion Hudson
ISBN: 978-0-7459-6073-9
Copyright 2008
Picture book, Hardback, 32 pages

The Time-for-Bed Angel is a sweet, cute children's book about a little naughty boy and the guardian angel who keeps a watch over him until it's time for bed.

Our little protagonist can't stay still as he goes about the house performing his mischevious antics. Of course, the time-for-bed angel follows him around, trying to persuade him to bed. The job of a guardian angel can be quite exhausting at times, especially when it comes to putting little boys to sleep!

The illustrations are fun, colorful and expressive, bringing the story to life. The story itself has very little text and is aimed at the youngest audience (2-6). The book has a calming tone, making this a very nice book to read at bedtime. It also evokes a feeling of love and security in children.

--by Mayra Calvani

This review originally appeared on Armchair Interviews


Anonymous said…
I think more people are giving books this year as gifts, especially to children. When kids have everything, it's nice to give them a book, something they can appreciate for years to come. Plus, they're educational and affordable! And there are always more books.

This one looks like a great bedtime story.