Book Reviewing Month Continues...

Book Reviewing Month continues....
My two latest guests are Sharyn McGinty of In the Library Reviews and
Katie McNeill of Katie's Reading.
Sharyn McGinty is the Print Review Coordinator of In the Library
Reviews, a review site also featuring author interviews, spotlights,
and contests. Started in 2002, the site reviews books and ebooks in
most genres, including Christian and inspirational titles...
Katie McNeill writes reviews for Blogcritics Magazine and her own
blog, Katie's Reading. She specializes in what she loves to read,
paranormal books — from horror to dark fantasy to paranormal romance.
She also writes a weekly column for Blogcritics called "Beyond
Bounds: The Paranormal and Fantasy with Katie." If you'd like your
book reviewed by Katie, visit her blog and drop her an email. In this
interview, she talks about the influence of reviews and she also
compares reviewers who write nasty, mean reviews to playground
bullies seeking attention...
I invite you to leave a comment under the interviews for a chance to
win some great prizes on July 2nd.
1st Prize: a Pump Up Your Book Promotion Virtual Book Tour (Bronze
Package Plan, coordinated by book publicity guru Dorothy Thompson),
OR, as an alternative to a non-author winner, a $50 B&N gift
2nd Prize: a one-year subscription to ForeWord Magazine.
3rd Prize: a T-shirt with the cover art of The Slippery Art of Book
Reviewing on the front.
More details at Slippery Book Review Blog.