Some Exciting News!

I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be donating 50% of my royalties for CRASH! to ALMOST HEAVEN GOLDEN RETRIEVER RESCUE AND SANCTUARY, A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION.
The money will be used for the dogs' food, medication, bedding, etc. No golden retriever is turned down in this organization, no matter their condition or age.
As a proud o
wner of a golden myself, it gives me such a warm feeling to be able to send a contribution to these angel creatures who make our lives so very special.
Help the goldens! To purchase a copy of CRASH! visit:
What reviewers are saying...
"Anyone who is a parent with a child that has begged, hollered, and begged some more for a pet will enjoy Crash and Marcelo, the little boy who gets his wish. The glee and joy in his cute little face is described vividly by author Mayra Calvani.
Reading “Crash”, a child and a parent discover the responsibilities that come with owning a pet. Marcelo also discovers that naming his new family member is not as easy as he thought. Many ideas come to his head, none really fitting in with the cute Golden Retriever.The name he finally picks surprises his parents. But as you read, you realize this is the PERFECT name...
This is a great book to buy for your child, you know, the one who is begging and hollering and begging some more for a pet. It will teach and prepare them for the responsibilities surely to come when a pet finally comes gift-wrapped."
--Lea Schizas, Muse Book Reviews
I just may order a copy for a friend!
Wonderful thing, donating 50% of your royalties to a cause. I might get a copy for my grandchildren.
Oh, TAG YOU'RE IT! Go read my blog to see what this means. Hope you join in the fun.
Joy aka Zebee or is it the other way around?