Book Review: Creatures of the Night, by Stephen Brooks

Creatures of the Night
By Stephen Brooks
Illustrated by Rodger Wilson
Purple Sky Publishing
Copyright 2005
Hardcover, $16.95
Has your young child ever wondered about those noises in the night, or about those creatures that come out to play only at night?
Creatures of the Night is a lovely rhyming story about those nocturnal creatures that “Come out to run and play,” like “The sly and wily old raccoon,/With a mask around its eyes,/Sneaks about in search of food/in his ever so clever disguise.”
Other creatures of the night mentioned in the book include the owl, field mice, crickets, frogs, fireflies, coyote, opossum, and muskrats.
The rhymes are delightful and the illustrations beautiful, with a serene, peaceful quality to them, bringing to life the magic of the night and its creatures. It is the kind of book young children will want to listen to in bed at night many times, if only to look at the lovely images of the animals.
A book that both teaches and stimulates young children’s imagination, Creatures of the Night is a keeper, and well-worth its hardcover price.
Reviewed by Mayra Calvani
By Stephen Brooks
Illustrated by Rodger Wilson
Purple Sky Publishing
Copyright 2005
Hardcover, $16.95
Has your young child ever wondered about those noises in the night, or about those creatures that come out to play only at night?
Creatures of the Night is a lovely rhyming story about those nocturnal creatures that “Come out to run and play,” like “The sly and wily old raccoon,/With a mask around its eyes,/Sneaks about in search of food/in his ever so clever disguise.”
Other creatures of the night mentioned in the book include the owl, field mice, crickets, frogs, fireflies, coyote, opossum, and muskrats.
The rhymes are delightful and the illustrations beautiful, with a serene, peaceful quality to them, bringing to life the magic of the night and its creatures. It is the kind of book young children will want to listen to in bed at night many times, if only to look at the lovely images of the animals.
A book that both teaches and stimulates young children’s imagination, Creatures of the Night is a keeper, and well-worth its hardcover price.
Reviewed by Mayra Calvani